Carmen BurbridgeJan 16MahineratorReturning for an encore performance at The Tank this month, Mahinerator utilizes a "quasi-English pseudolect" to tell a sci-fi story...
Yani PerezDec 14, 2023Interview with Luis Roberto HerreraI recently had the opportunity to ask Luis Roberto Herrera about his new solo show, As I Eat the World. His show tells of his experience...
Yani PerezDec 14, 2023As I Eat The WorldAs I Eat the World by Luis Roberto Herrera explores eating disorders from the perspective of a young Latino man. While ideologies are...
Carmen BurbridgeJun 12, 2023Seconds To Midnight "How do you prepare for the end of the world?" This question from Seconds to Midnight, co-written by Brandon Darcel and Anastasia Webb,...
Yani PerezMay 10, 2023Welcome to ClowntownTanya Perez is a delight to watch in her new solo play, Welcome to ClownTown, now playing at The Tank. Perez portrays Pixie, a clown and...