Told entirely through music, “Five Minutes: Snapshots in Time” encompasses the human condition and experience in all its highs and lows. Ms. Bailey’s voice fills the space and the hearts of the audience. Even when not singing, she uses the instrumental lulls to further the storytelling. Her eyes tell it all and lend a sense of warmth to the piece. She is extremely expressive and every moment onstage is utilized by her natural sense of storytelling. Even in the moments of transition between songs, she commands the attention of the audience as she deftly shifts the play in tone and mood. Her powerful stage presence is graceful and agile, while being commanding and compelling. You cannot take your eyes off her from the minute she steps onstage.
I appreciated the use of costume and lighting to enhance the storytelling. A green piece of fabric is a headwrap, a blanket, a baby and a lover from moment to moment. The lighting shifts for each song, helping to bring the audience along for the changes in music and clue us into changes in theme. The use of movement and body language is effortlessly intentional and keeps the audience interested through a play told by a single vocalist. The universality of the themes smartly allows audiences to relate and see themselves in the songs. The play reminds us not to take any time on this earth for granted and to cherish life.
I would recommend this play to lovers of music, concerts and musical theater. “Five Minutes: Snapshots in Time” is a moving, empathic and expertly presented piece of theater. Let the music wash over you as you reflect on snapshots in time throughout your own life and the greater importance of just five minutes in time. “Five Minutes | Snapshots in Time” Performed by Wendy-Lane Bailey
Directed by Omar Sangare Lighting Designer: Shane Mathews November 14, 2021 at 7 PM United Solo Theatre Festival Theatre Row 410 W 42nd Street, New York City

CARMEN BURBRIDGE is a Brooklyn based actor and writer, originally from Jacksonville Beach, Florida. They have worked with New Dramatists, Portland Playhouse and The Farm Theater. It is her mission to create a convergence of hearts and minds in an effort to expose underrepresented stories and make the world a better place. They are passionate about trauma informed work, laughter, play and community.